Speed Awareness Course

What is a Speed Awareness Course?

It is a half-day theory based workshop designed to help you recognise speed limits, address the reasons for speeding and give you information to help you reduce the likelihood of speeding in the future. Completing a Speed Awareness Course means that you will not have to pay the Fixed Penalty Notice and you will not get demerit points on your licence.

What are the benefits of attending a Speed Awareness Course?

The main benefits of attending a Speed Awareness Course are that you will gain up to date information relating to speed awareness that can help you to contribute to safer communities and you will not receive the penalty points on your licence.

What is involved in attending a Speed Awareness Course?

You will need to attend on time with your Valid Driving Licence and to complete the course in a ‘satisfactory’ way.
Satisfactory completion of a Speed Awareness Course means:

  • Attending for the full duration of the course (around 4 hours);
  • Whilst on the course displaying a positive attitude to road safety and;
  • Participating in group discussions to the best of your ability and paying attention to the information that is being provided.

If you fail to complete the course in a satisfactory way your case will revert to the Police. Depending on the police force, this will result in you receiving a Fixed Penalty (penalty points and a fine) or attending court proceedings.
Not completing the course in a ‘satisfactory’ way could include (but is not exclusive to):

  • Leaving the workshop before the course has been completed, and you have been notified accordingly by the trainer;
  • Not showing a willingness to participate in a positive way;
  • Disrupting the course and/or being rude to other members of the group or the trainer.

Who will be at the course?

There are up to 24 people on each Speed Awareness Course and 2 course trainers. The people attending are of all ages and driving experiences. It is a relaxed setting for you to assess your driving behaviour and to gain tips to reduce your likelihood of speeding in the future.

Do the Police deliver the course?

No, the courses are delivered by registered course providers, such as Apha246 or BDTAS. Registered course providers can be private companies or Local Authorities contracted by the Police, but not part of the Police.

How long is a Speed Awareness Course?

The Speed Awareness Workshop is 4 hours long; We offers morning and afternoon courses.

How often are the Speed Awareness Workshops run?

Speed Awareness Workshops are held throughout the week and on the weekends across Barbados. You can attend the workshop in any area that runs a national scheme so you do not have to return to where your offence took place.

Will there be a test? / Can I fail the course?

There is no test; it is theory only with no driving involved. However, you are required to ‘complete the workshop in a satisfactory way’. This means you must make a positive contribution to the workshop by participating fully and displaying a positive attitude to road safety.
For further information on ‘completing the workshop in a satisfactory way’ see ‘What is involved in attending a Speed Awareness Course?
If you complete the course in a satisfactory way you cannot fail.

Is there any driving involved?

No, it is a theory-only, classroom-based workshop. There is no driving involved on the course. You do not have to bring your car, if you would rather get a lift to the venue or use public transport (or walk) that is entirely up to you.

Do I need to bring my driving licence?

Yes, it will be a requirement for you to produce a valid driving licence upon attending the course.
If you do not have a photo card driving licence you will be required to produce your paper licence (not the counterpart) together with two other forms of identification.
If you do not have your valid driving licence in any form you can attend with two other forms of identification listed below.
Acceptable forms of I.D (2 of these will be required):

  • Valid Passport;
  • Recent Utility Bill (i.e. gas or electric bill);
  • Bank Statement;
  • Debit/Credit Card.

If you fail to arrive with the correct identification you will be refused entry to the course and providing you have sufficient time within your completion date, you will be required to rearrange the course which will incur a rearrangement fee as explained in our Terms and Conditions.

Is the Speed Awareness Workshop a lecture?

No, it is an interactive workshop with group work, discussions and some visual aids. The aim is for you to be able to examine your driving behaviour and discuss this with others in a relaxed atmosphere, and to gain some good driving tips with an experienced trainer.
Can I opt to attend a Speed Awareness Workshop if I have not received an offer from the police? 
No, you can only attend a Speed Awareness Workshop if you have received the offer from the police following an alleged speeding offence.

Booking and Re-Booking

How do I book a Speed Awareness Workshop?

  •  you will have received a Notice of Intended Prosecution from the police force in the area that you have committed the speeding offence. In order to accept the offer of a course you must fill in the relevant section accepting the offer of a course and return the form to the police within the time specified.
  • Once you have booked your course you will be sent a booking confirmation letter/email with details (time, date and venue) of the course you have booked and a map and directions to the course venue.

Where and when can I attend a Speed Awareness Workshop?

Speed Awareness Workshops are held 7 days a week at venues across England and Wales. You can attend a Speed Awareness Course in any area that runs a national scheme so you do not have to go back to where your speeding offence took place.

How much does the course cost?

The cost of the course varies across the country and is different for each Police Authority that commissions the course. For a full list of national Speed Awareness Course, areas and providers please see …

Can I pay in instalments?

Yes, you can pay in two stages but you must have paid the full amount at least two weeks before the course date.

Are there any concessions?

No, you have been offered the course as an alternative to the Fixed Penalty (for which there are no concessions) because you have committed an offence. Therefore, the price is the same for everyone on the course that they are attending. However, you can pay for the course in two instalments as long as the full fee is paid two weeks before your course date.

Can I do a course nearer home?

Yes, you can attend a course in any area that runs courses that are part of the national scheme even if it is not where your offence was committed. 

If I book a course outside the area that I committed the offence, do I need to tell the police?

No, the Police and course providers’ databases are linked. If you complete a course in another area the Police will be informed automatically.

Can I do a course at the weekend/during the evening?

Yes, BDTAS runs courses on the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and during the evenings at most course venues.

Can I change the date/time/venue of my course once I have booked?

Yes, you can change the time, date and venue of the course once you have booked. However, there is a charge incurred for changing your booking (see below) which is outlined in BDTAS’s Terms and Conditions.
If you wish to alter/cancel your course date and time within

  • 14 days of your original booking = Free Of Charge/full course fee refund
  • From 15 days after your booking but 8 days before your course date = $25.00 rearrangement/cancellation fee
  • 7 days before your course, up to and including the course date = $45 rearrangement/cancellation fee

If you fail to attend your course and wish to book another a $45 rearrangement fee will be required

What happens if I cannot attend the course I am booked on?

If you are unable to attend the course date that you have booked you should contact the course provider at the earliest opportunity and they will try to book you on to an alternative course provided there is time within the deadline set by the Police. There may be a fee incurred for rebooking. Please see ‘Re-booking charges’ on our Terms and Conditions. Places on courses are limited and reserved on a first come first served basis.
If you find that you are unable to attend on the day of your course please contact the course provider as soon as possible. If this is due to illness you can re-book onto another course for a fee of $45 which will be reimbursed once medical proof is provided from your GP, self-certificates are not accepted. If there are other extenuating circumstances it may be possible to reimburse the rearrangement fee; this is down to the discretion of the course provider and will require proof.
However, in the event of you being unable to complete or attend a course for another reason and you wish to re-book on to another course you will incur the $45 rearrangement fee. Every effort will be made to offer an alternative date provided there is sufficient availability and time within the deadline set by the police. If you are unable to book onto another date $45 will be retained from your original course fee for administration purposes.
Failing to attend and complete the course would mean that your case would be reverted to the Police, which, depending on the police discretion would mean that either you would receive the Fixed Penalty (penalty points and a fine) or you would have to attend court proceedings.

What happens if the course is cancelled?

In the event of BDTAS being unable to deliver your Speed Awareness Course due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, we will reschedule your Speed Awareness Course as soon as possible free of charge. We will post notification on our website as soon as possible after we are aware that a course will need to be cancelled by TTC.

What do I have to do once I have attended the course?

Nothing, once you have attended and completed the course the course provider will update their systems to state that you have attended and completed. This will also update the national police database and no further action will be taken.
You will not receive confirmation of attendance and completion; however, if you do require this for your records it can be requested by contacting BDTAS once you have completed the course.

Do I have to bring anything to the course?

Yes, it will be a requirement for you to produce a valid driving licence on attending the course.
If you do not have a photo card driving licence you will be required to produce your paper licence together with two other forms of identification.
If you do not have your valid driving licence in any form you can attend with two other forms of identification listed below. Please ensure your driving licence has not expired.
Acceptable forms of I.D (2 of these will be required) include:

  • Valid Passport;
  • Recent Utility Bill (i.e. gas or electric bill);
  • Bank Statement;
  • Debit/Credit Card.

If you fail to arrive with the correct identification you will be refused entry to the course and providing you have sufficient time within your completion date, you will be required to rearrange the course which will incur a rearrangement fee as explained in our Terms and Conditions.

What happens if I am late for the course?

You need to arrive 15 minutes before the course starts in order to register. If you arrive late you will be refused entry to the course, no refund will be given and if you wish to re-book on to another course you will incur a rearrangement fee.

Is there parking available at the course venue?

Yes there is parking available at all of our course venues, at most venues parking is provided free but this cannot be guaranteed. Disabled parking spaces are available at all BDTAS course venues.

If I have specific requirements, can they be accommodated?

BDTAS is committed to ensuring our courses are accessible to everyone who wishes to attend.
If you have any special requirements in order to be able to attend a course please inform us when booking on to the course or prior to attending the course and we will do all we can to accommodate your needs.
If we are not aware of any special requirements we cannot accommodate them so if you fail to notify us of any special requirements that result in your discomfort or even being unable to attend and complete the course, BDTAS will not be held responsible.

Can I breastfeed my baby on the course?

Yes, BDTAS will do everything they can to accommodate women who are breastfeeding. You can bring your child to the course venue, however they are not allowed in to the course so you would need a family member/friend to look after them throughout the duration of the course. Where possible a private room will be available for you to breastfeed during the two set breaks.

Can I do the course in another language?

BDTAS’s courses are delivered in English.
If your understanding of English is not sufficient to be able to understand and participate in the course then you can bring a friend or family member to act as a translator for you free of charge. You must inform BDTAS that you are bringing someone with you to translate.
If you arrive at the course and the course trainer feels that you are unable to understand them and the course content sufficiently then you may be turned away or asked to leave. This is because it is important for all course attendees to be able to understand the course trainer and the course content in order to gain the intended experience and knowledge from the course.

Can I bring someone with me?

You can bring someone with you if you have a specific need that requires you to have someone with you, for example if you need someone to translate for you then you can bring one person free of charge. Each case will be considered and will depend upon circumstance and individual requirements.
For further queries please contact BDTAS to discuss your requirements.

Is there a hearing loop available?

Some of the course venues have hearing loops or can provide hearing loops but some do not have this facility.
If you require a hearing loop please contact BDTAS prior to booking your course and we will do everything we can to accommodate this need.

Is there any reading or writing involved?

No, you are given a course booklet that has space to make notes but it is only for your records, it is not handed in at the end.

Do you provide food?

No, as the course is only 4 hours we do not provide food. However, there are two comfort breaks during the course where tea, coffee etc. may be available.

Can I do the course in two halves?

No, due to the nature of the course and the aim of re-educating drivers, the course has been well structured to ensure maximum impact. This is only possible when the course is delivered in one 4-hour session as all the course material needs to be covered as well as allowing time for group discussion in order for course participants to retain the information provided.

Do I need to sign in?

Yes this is very important. Upon your arrival please locate the trainer and sign the course register.

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