The video has been released by Co-Op Insurance and Thatcham Research as it emerged scores of young drivers are not wearing seat belts
This is the horrifying reality of what can happen if you don’t wear your seat belt.
Footage compares the way three crash test dummies are affected when their vehicle is involved in a head-on crash .
While the driver is strapped-in, both his passengers are not.
As the vehicle smashes head-on into a barrier all three are flung forward, with the driver cushioned by his airbag.
The front passenger is also saved by his airbag – which prevents him from being catapulted through the window.

However, the rear passenger smashes head-first into the back of the driver’s seat and crushes its legs in the impact.
The rear passenger also sends the driver flying even further forward than he would have, despite the fact he was wearing a seat belt.
The video has been released by Co-Op Insurance and Thatcham Research as it emerged scores of young drivers are not wearing seat belts.
The insurer hopes it will reduce the amount of serious incidents among drivers and raise awareness of the dangers of not wearing a seat belt.

Two fifths of young drivers have been involved in a road traffic incident where they were the driver, according to a new study by Co-op Insurance.
The study, which was conducted among 1,000 UK drivers aged 17-24 reveals that 29 percent of these incidents happened within one to six months of them passing their driving test.
When asked the reasons behind the incidents, 40 percent said the other driver was at fault, 20 percent said they misjudged the amount of room they had and over a tenth 13% percent admitted to not paying attention to the road.

“We hope our crash test video will bring to life one of the most common young driver behaviours, and the dangers associated with this.”
Mike Bristow, Brake, the road safety charity added: “Co-op’s research paints a worrying picture. We see year after year young drivers making up the highest proportion of deaths and serious injuries on our roads.
“More needs to be done to make young and perhaps inexperienced drivers understand that risky and dangerous behaviour behind the wheel can have serious consequences.
What does the law say?
All drivers and passengers in the UK must legally wear a seat belt if they are fitted.
Drivers are responsible for children under 14 being in a restraint appropriate to their age and height.
For all passengers under the age of 12, or below 135cm tall, they must be restrained in the correct car seat for their height and weight.
Children taller than 135cm do not require a car seat, but must be restrained with a seat belt.
Police can fine drivers and passengers not wearing a belt up to £500.
If police find a passenger under 14 not wearing a belt the driver incurs the fine.
You don’t need to wear a seat belt if you’re:
- A driver who is reversing, or supervising a learner driver who is reversing
- In a vehicle being used for police, fire and rescue services
- A passenger in a trade vehicle and you’re investigating a fault
- Driving a goods vehicle on deliveries that is travelling no more than 50 metres between stops
- A licensed taxi driver who is ‘plying for hire’ or carrying passengers