Michael Brathwaite, aka “Mr Bee”, has been a Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA UK) registered, fully trained and qualified professional Approved Driving Instructor since 1993 (Registration no. 207233).
His Latest DVSA standards check grade is: A 45/51
He has agreed to abide by the ADI Code of Practice and is committed to the voluntary Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme, both in the UK and the Caribbean. He has had previous experience in the Education and Counselling Industry. He has a genuine interest and passion for coaching our drivers and instructors to be safe on our roads.
He believes in developing excellent driver and driving instructor ‘skills’, these include:
- For drivers;
- early scanning for potential hazards,
- learning to be a confident ‘decision-maker’ when placed in a variety of driving situations,
- abiding by the law
- being courteous to other road users.
- For instructors;
- abiding by the “Driving Instructor Code of Practice”,
- continuous teaching/ coaching skills development,
- professional conduct at all times,
- accreditation, registration and monitoring,
- continuously updating our skills for the changing road conditions.
Michael believes that it’s not necessarily our ‘right’ to drive and teach on our roads but rather that it is a ‘privilege’ and therefore we should do so safely, courteously, professionally and skillfully, with the emphasis on “Safe Driving for Life!”.