Higher-speed areas – merge onto a highway



  • To legally and safely merge onto a motorway or highway, via a merge lane or from the kerb.


  • In a 60-80km/h zone.
  • Either:
    1. parked on the side of the road on a two-way highway, or
    2. in a merge lane for a multi-laned highway.

The driver should

  1. When parked on the side of the road:
    • Search ahead and to the rear, using mirrors both inside and outside.
    • Indicate right for at least three seconds before moving.
    • Check the mirrors again and check the blind spot with a head check over right shoulder.
    • Select an appropriate gap.
    • When safe to go, accelerate quickly to an appropriate speed to merge with the traffic, while remaining within the posted speed limit.
    • Check appropriate mirrors.
  2. From a merge lane:
    • Use the full length of the merge lane to adjust speed to match the speed of the traffic flow, while remaining within the posted speed limit.
    • Indicate right for at least three seconds before merging (while in the merge lane).
    • Search for an appropriate gap in the traffic.
    • Move into the gap when safe.
    • Get into a correct position in the traffic flow and stay at a safe following distance behind the vehicle in front (at least two seconds behind).
    • Check appropriate mirrors.
    • Perform the tasks at least two times.